Remote and App-Based IIoT

September 5, 2019
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We’re seeing an increase in the implementation of remote and app-based IIoT (industrial internet of things). It’s a way for machines to communicate about the process without actually disturbing the process. It’s a great way for businesses to keep track of what is going on with their equipment so they can effectively maintain it.


The data collected using remote and app-based IIoT allows users to monitor everything going on while the equipment runs. Flow rates, the status of the equipment, information on the pumps—data from every part of the machine is collected. You’ll not only be able to determine flow rates and how much water is being processed, but you’ll see if the pumps are running efficiently or wearing out. Manufacturers can determine when different parts on the machine should be serviced or replaced. This does great things for preventative maintenance.


There is different software that can be used to carry out this process. Using a secure VPN tunnel with either a database, the cloud, or onsite, pertinent data is pulled into a database where reports are run. Anything you want to know about the machine’s process can be found out at that point.


Customers interested in IIoT have the option of utilizing a customized mobile app with an interface that shows real-time info about the equipment or process. The equipment manufacturer, in this case Full Circle Water for those utilizing this technology on a filter press, can send the customer alarms or notifications if they notice something is malfunctioning with the equipment. In some cases, a button on the app can shut the system down until the issue can be fixed. When a customer is interested in using this technology and the app, they receive licensing, a secure and encrypted connection, and data on the requested pieces of their equipment. Every connection is encrypted, so only authorized individuals can see the data.


Utilizing remote and app-based IIoT is the ideal way to keep track of the efficiency of your process, avoid downtime, and maintain the quality of your equipment. It will allow you to quickly troubleshoot problems to get your equipment up and running perfectly again.
