Process your slurry in a simple and easy way

PH Balance Systems

Made in the USA – Filter presses in all sizes and shapes

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Full Circle Water offers skid mounted fully plumbed pH balancing systems that can be designed to raise, lower, or perform both depending on your specific needs. Our pH skids are easy to receive and place and only need a simple input and output plumbing connection to install along with a 120-volt outlet. The skids monitor pH from a 2 to 5 gpm water slipstream from the side of your process water. The stream is monitored, dosed if needed, and the water flows back to your holding tank.

A variety of pH applications can easily be met with our standard skid though we are fully capable to adjust the skid or customize a solution for your specific application.


    • fully programmable controller
    • user friendly touch screen windows
    • user definable settings
    • built in containment
    • plumbed unions and shut off valves

    • a variety of water quality monitoring devices
    • drum and tote direct feeding
    • remote monitoring

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