Fear of Operating a Water System

March 6, 2019
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Working in a certain industry, like stone, concrete, glass and tile, or petroleum means you will be producing waste and slurry water. Many industries struggle with a way to treat their slurry water, and all too often they rely on ineffective methods. They may know about the effectiveness of a water system like a filter press, but they have a fear of investing in and operating a water system. It is the most effective way to take care of your slurry, so let’s talk about some common fears and how to overcome them.


Many people try to find solutions other than a water system because the upfront cost may be hard to justify at first. However, investing in a water system will save your business money in the long run and provides a great return on investment. Not only will you be saving because you’re reusing water, you’ll also avoid any fines and penalties for illegally discharging and dumping wastewater. With a filter press, you can rest easy knowing you are operating your business in a manner that is environmentally sustainable.


It isn’t uncommon for businesses to deny having a slurry problem at all. They’ll utilize unreliable methods, like coagulating chemicals and vacuum systems, which take extra time and money. Even worse, some businesses simply dump their slurry water. They’ll refrain from investing in a water system solution because of their denial. Properly cleaning up slurry may take time and money, but the messy job needs to be done.


Some people are worried that they won’t be able to operate a filter press. They worry it’s too complicated or will take valuable time out of their day. In reality, the filter press can be customized to your industry and is designed to match your needs and specifications. A large plant can filter 90 gallons per minute. We will ensure you fully understand how to operate your system to effectively clean your water and take care of your slurry problem. Full Circle Water provides unmatched customer service, and we have a deep understanding of any operational challenges you may fear or experience. Our service technicians travel throughout the country, and we will provide solutions and service to ensure you feel comfortable operating your filter press.


Still feeling a bit nervous about making the jump to a filter press or other water system? We’d love to speak with you further to discuss your needs and concerns.

