If you’re investing money into a filter press, you want to be sure that you are running it properly. Not only should you make sure you invest in the right size filter press for your industry, you’ll want to clearly understand when the filter press is full and make sure you don’t overpressure it.
You do have the potential to overpressure your filter press, so you need to be sure your staff is trained on proper procedure. Most modern filter presses and plates are designed to handle up to at least 140 psi of hydraulic pressure on the plate surface. You’ll want to consult your specific manufacturers manual before increasing pressure higher than the factory recommended operating pressures. To determine how much pressure the hydraulic power system can handle and should not be operated past, you’ll need to follow a formula:
- Multiply the height and width of the plates. For example, 30” by 30” is 900 sq. inches.
- Multiply by 140. That equates to 126,000 pounds of force.
- Divide that by the area of the cylinder. The 8” cylinder uses radius squared x pi, so 4 x 4 x 3.14 = 50.
- 126,000 divided by 50 = 2520 psi max on the hydraulic power unit.
If too much hydraulic force is used, cylinders can fail. Plates can crack, which can result in leaks. The press frame may not be designed to contain the pressure and metal can tear or warp. This sort of issue not only has the potential to damage the equipment, it can cause serious personal injury to those operating the machinery.
If you notice that your press is leaking, don’t assume that it is due to low closing force. It could be a result of dirty seals, damaged or worn seals, or frame damage on the filter press frame that has caused an alignment issue. Damaged or worn filter cloths can also contribute to leaking.
Do you have any questions? We’re happy to answer them! Give us a call at 320-529-4035.