Comparing Filter Presses: Choosing the Right Option for You

Crystal-clear wave of water located next to an industrial worksite. Under the photo is the Full Circle Water logo.

Filter press systems are among the most useful and powerful pieces of equipment in the wastewater industry. When compared to other water filtration systems—like dewatering plants and slurry pits—filter press systems are both compact and efficient, removing up to 99% of slurry solids from work water in a relatively short amount of time.   However, filter presses aren’t a one-size-fits-all system.

What Size Filter Press Do I Need?

A Full Circle Water filter press plant.

Now that you’ve read our last blog entry about what a filter press plant does (you can refresh your memory here), it’s time to figure what size filter press you need to handle the job. Whether you need a large filter press plant, a medium filter press system, a small filter press plant, or a custom solution in-between, Full Circle